Friday, November 4, 2011

Laughed til I Cried...

So on Fridays we get all of our first graders together for music time right before it is time to home. This is always fun and quite crazy with singing, dancing, and 70+ six and seven year olds. Well today we were practicing our songs for the Christmas program and then the kids were belting out "Must be Santa," when the announcements came on. They were announcing the winners from the weekly drawing. So, as you can imagine, nothing quite quiets up a group of kids like prizes.

So it goes from being crazy noisy to silent within a matter of seconds. A couple seconds later a little girl farted. Now let me just tell you that as a teacher, it is important to not laugh at these moments. I am usually really good about keeping a straight face, but it was just so quiet and she was just so loud that I just lost it. When the kids saw me laughing they started laughing, which made me laugh more. Tears started coming and I had to turn around so the kids would stop laughing.

I finally got my giggling under control and was feeling so bad for laughing at this poor first grader who was probably already embarrassed. I walked my kids back to class and as we were lining up to go home, one of my kids says to me (so sweetly), "It's ok Mrs. Keller, when my mom was pregnant she farted a lot too."

Well, that came back to bite me! HAHAHA! That is when I realized that my kids thought I was laughing because I did it!! So that is when my kids started telling me how funny it was that I farted. I quickly corrected them, but thought it was so funny! Now I have an even bigger reason not to laugh when that happens next time, so I don't get blamed!! :)


  1. You have the funniest stories, I love it! I bet that little girl who actually DID fart was glad everyone thought it was you:)

  2. Oh my word, that is hilarious! I can totally picture you laughing that hard! Love it! :)

  3. That's hilarious! I think you should just start letting it rip in class now that they've told you that it's okay with them! ha ha ha ;)
